Conferences of BSU
XXV International Saints Cyril and Methodius readings “The Legacy of Saints Cyril and Methodius in the World Spiritual Culture”
(+375 17) 327-70-57
Shatrauski Sergej
International Scientific-Practical Conference “Post-Soviet Statehood and Law: Theoretical and Practical Problems of Formation and Successful Functioning”, Dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Belarus, Professor Alexandr M. Abramovich, DSc
24.05.2019 — 25.05.2019BSU Faculty of Law
(+375 17) 209-55-62
Sergey A. Kalinin
IV International Scientific-Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Banking Business: Current State, Global Trends and Development Prospects”
(+375 17) 327-15-39
A. Korotkevich
19th International Scientific Conference “Sakharov Readings 2019: Environmental Problems of the XXI Century”
23.05.2019 — 24.05.2019BSU ISEI
(+375 17) 398-96-24
Lysikha Natalia
Republic Science-Methodical Conference “Actual Problems of Organization of Educational Process during Training of Military Specialists in Military Faculties of High Educational Institutions”
(+375 17) 209-52-89
Sivec Alexander Vyacheslavovich
Republican Scientific-Practical Conference of Students and Undergraduates “Modern Approaches to Improve Effectiveness of an Organization’s Activities”
(+375 17) 399-23-93
Kiselnikava Inna
VI Inter-University Student Seminar “The Demographic Risks of the XXI Century” (with international participation)
(+375 17) 209-54-94
Antipova Ekaterina
V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Applied Problems of Optics, Computer Science, Radio-Physics and Condensed Matter Physics”
16.05.2019 — 17.05.2019BSU NIIPFP them. A.N.Sevchenko
(+375 17) 212-50-00
Papechyts Vladimir Ivanovich
76 Scientific Conference of Students and Post-Graduates of BSU
13.05.2019 — 24.05.2019BSU General Directorate of Science
(+375 17) 209-51-69
Artur A. Kuharenko
International Scientific-Practical Student Conference “The Lesson at the Cost of Fates”
01.05.2019 — 31.05.2019BSU Military Faculty
(+375 17) 331-33-35
Savchyk Sergei Vasilevich