We invite you to take part in the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Cell Biology and Plant Biotechnology", as well as in the School of Young Scientists "Biology of plant cells: from theory to practice".


The conference and the School of Young Scientists will be held on the basis of the Faculty of Biology of the Belarusian State University (Kurchatova Street 10, Minsk, Belarus) and the Lyceum of the Belarusian State University (Ulyanovskaya Street 8, Minsk, Belarus). They will include reports by leading scientists in the field of fundamental and applied experimental biology of plants, as well as young scientists who are at an early stage of their careers.

Биологический факультет БГУ  Лицей БГУ

Faculty of Biology of the BSU Lyceum of the BSU

Main topics:

- Biochemical processes and macromolecular structures of the cell;
- Photosynthesis and bioenergetics;
- Organization and functioning of the cytoskeleton and organelles;
- Transport of substances, reception and signal transduction;
- Growth and differentiation of cells and tissues, phytohormonal regulation;
- Stress and adaptation;
- Programmed cell death and autophagy;
- Molecular determinants of productivity of higher plants and algae;
- Biotesting and biosensors;
- Genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, phenomics and other omics;
- Systems Biology and Bioinformatics;
- Innovative agro- and biotechnologies;
- Forest biotechnology;
- Cell cultures, in vitro technologies and microclonal reproduction of plants;
- Plant bioengineering, transgenic and postgenomic technologies;
- Production of biofuels and medicines, processing of plant raw materials;
- Food biotechnologies based on plant raw materials;
- Education in cell biology and biotechnology.


Working languages: Belarusian, Russian, English.


Information about conference: conf.bsu.by/pcbb2022_en; also contact via email pcbb2022@bsu.by